Almost there!

Give your confidence a boost, apply for a free test shoot with us, and see where it takes you.

Please carefully fill in the details below including a recent image of the person wishing to model.

Once we have decided if you are eligible for a test shoot, we will be in contact to book your slot. We accept people of all ages and backgrounds.

Good luck!

Click to select your gender
Click to select your age group
Click to select your location

Please include a picture of the applicant (no videos or documents)

Maximum upload size: 6MB
By submitting this form you agree that you have read our privacy notice. By submitting this form you agree that you are 16 years and older (if not you should seek parent/guardian/carer approval first). By submitting this form you give your clear consent we will process your data only for the purpose of evaluating your potential as a (becoming a) model, and can use this data to contact you.